10 places to go before they disappear

Komodo Island Indonesia

Throughout my years of travelling, I’ve realised that some destinations are special because of their fragile existence.

There’s an endless number of places with uncertain futures – threatened by environmental changes and rising seas. If you’re a discerning traveller, now’s the time to book that flight.

Let’s explore the top 10 places to go to before they disappear for good!

Author Bio: Jessie Moore

Jessie Moore is a luxury travel expert with years of experience travelling the world to find the best destinations, hotels and adventures.

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1. Venice, Italy

Beautiful Grand Canal Venice

Venice is an enchanting city where you can experience a rich Italian culture. The city sits atop piles of long timber over a lagoon, creating a network of waterways.

For me, there’s truly nowhere else in the world like Venice. However, what makes it unique is also why it’s disappearing.

Venice’s foundations are sinking, and rising sea levels threaten to pull it under. Experts say that Venice could disappear by 2100.


Travelling to Venice is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. When you come here, be sure to go for a gondola ride down the Grand Canal to admire historical buildings from the water.

Afterwards, stop by St. Mark’s Basilica for its mosaics, then marvel at the frescoes at the Palazzo Ducale!

Have a read of my guides before you visit:

2. The Maldives

The Maldives

The Maldives is a secluded tropical nation surrounded by pristine blue waters. I believe that its beaches are unparalleled.

Unfortunately, rising sea levels are why the Maldives will be one of the first countries to disappear.

Now, before you feel sad, there is some good news. Visiting this country means you play a small part in supporting its conservation efforts!


The Maldives’ main highlights are its crystal clear waters and vibrant coral reefs. Staying in a private bungalow lets you appreciate its full magnificence.

3. The Great Barrier Reef, Australia

The Great Barrier Reef, Australia

The Great Barrier Reef is a remarkable destination for diving enthusiasts. It’s the world’s largest coral reef system and is a UNESCO World Heritage site!

People come to the Great Barrier Reef for its diverse ecosystem and spectacular marine life. That said, it’s also in a losing battle against ocean acidification.

The Great Barrier Reef’s corals are slowly dying. Over 90% of it could disappear within 10 years.


Snorkelling and diving are the top activities at the Great Barrier Reef. However, for a special experience, you can try flying over the Heart Reef via helicopter!

4. The Amazon Rainforest

The Amazon Rainforest

The Amazon Rainforest is a mystical destination where you may spot exotic birds and other wildlife. It’s home to stunning eco-lodges that blend seamlessly with their surroundings.

Many travel to the Amazon because of its natural beauty. It’s heartbreaking to think that it could be gone within decades. 

Scientists say that 27% of the Amazon may disappear by 2030 due to deforestation.


Buckle up because there are more activities at the Amazon than you realise. You can immerse yourself in the indigenous culture or trek along its lush rainforest.

Of course, the highlight for many will be the Amazon river cruise!

5. Galapagos Islands

Galapagos Islands

The Galapagos Islands are a collection of land masses that formed through volcanic eruptions. They’re special for their astonishing landscape and intriguing wildlife.

Sadly, the Galapagos Islands are in steady decline because of overfishing, farming, and pollution. Tourists’ activities threaten to destroy this pristine beauty.


The Galapagos is popular for its giant tortoises, sea lions, and blue-footed boobies. You can meet these rare creatures by snorkelling or island hopping!

6. Patagonian Ice Fields, Argentina

Patagonian Ice Fields Argentina

One of the most awe-inspiring places I’ve seen is, hands down, the Patagonian Ice Fields – an interconnected group of ice caps, glaciers, and lakes.

The Patagonian Ice Fields are a vast snowy paradise. Yet, it’s also melting away at the highest rate on the planet!


Before this majestic beauty melts away, you should sail along its icy blue waters and trek across its towering glaciers.

You can’t beat the panoramic views of the Patagonian peaks from the nearby luxury lodges.

7. Bordeaux Vineyards, France

Bordeaux Vineyards France

Situated in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region of France lies the Bordeaux Vineyards, a place that produces the finest wines in the world. 

Here, you’ll have a gastronomic adventure as you learn about centuries-old winemaking traditions.

The Bordeaux Vineyards are the go-to for those seeking a sophisticated vacation.

Having said that, an alarming number of vineyards close each year. Dwindling demands and extreme weather events are pushing farmers to plant alternative crops.


Bordeaux is home to mediaeval cities, prestigious chateaux, and ancient Roman churches. Enjoy your drink while admiring the expansive vineyards, or try a fun winemaking workshop!

Did you know that you can reach Bordeaux from London via the Eurostar?

8. The Dead Sea

The Dead Sea

The Dead Sea is a world-renowned lake once coveted by Cleopatra. It has mineral-rich waters with therapeutic properties.

Being landlocked means the Dead Sea’s water level is dropping as rainfall becomes more scarce. High irrigation demands prevent the Dead Sea from replenishing.


If you’re visiting the Dead Sea, I’d recommend staying at the Kempinski Hotel Ishtar, an opulent spa with expansive views.

Here, you can relax at the rejuvenating mud baths and unwind with healing salt scrubs!

9. Komodo Island, Indonesia

Komodo Island Indonesia

Just an hour’s plane ride from Bali is Komodo Island, a volcanic paradise home to over 5,700 Komodo dragons.

The island boasts rugged hillsides and savannas, all enclosed by white sandy beaches.

It’s exotic and wild but also endangered. Rising sea levels threaten to submerge Komodo Island along with its prehistoric wildlife.


Aside from observing the world’s largest lizards, you may snorkel, dive, or use Komodo Island as a base for island hopping.

Don’t forget to stop by the Instagram-worthy Pink Beach as well!

Discover more of the most beautiful beaches in the world.

10. Mount Kilimanjaro Glaciers, Tanzania

Mount Kilimanjaro Glaciers Tanzania

Many of us aspire to see the spectacular views from the summit of snow-capped mountains.

Yet, this dream will soon be out of reach regardless of whether humanity solves climate change.

For those who wish to conquer Mount Kilimanjaro’s glaciers, the window is closing fast. The UN reports that the last of Mount Kilimanjaro’s glaciers will disappear by 2050!


Mount Kilimanjaro is Africa’s highest mountain, so expect a long trek. It takes five to nine days to climb up and back down again.

If you’re thinking of conquering the mountain (and I’d highly recommend it!), have a read of my ultimate guide to climbing Mount Kilimanjaro

The world is full of extraordinary wonders, some more fragile than others. I hope this inspires you to see these places before they disappear.

As a final note, always be mindful of your carbon footprint when travelling. Remember, we all play a small part in the conservation of these sites!

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Jessie Moore
Jessie Moore

Jessie is a luxury travel expert with years of experience travelling the world to find the best destinations, hotels and adventures.

Find me on: Web | Instagram


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