12 long-haul flight tips for a stress-free trip

Long Haul Flight Tips – view of mountains from window

There’s something special about flying to new destinations – the thrill of discovering a new place almost overshadows every other feeling.

However, no matter how excited you are, a long-haul flight can bring out the most boring version of yourself. You’ll be restless and ready to get it over with two hours in. I know all too well how it feels!

To survive long flights with minimal stress and boredom, check out my long-haul flight tips here. If you’re gearing up for 10+ hours in the air, you better be prepared!

Author Bio: Jessie Moore

Jessie Moore is a luxury travel expert with years of experience travelling the world to find the best destinations, hotels and adventures.

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1. Choose the right seat

Choose the right seat during your flight according to your preferences. I personally prefer a window seat on long-haul flights.

Firstly because it means I can lean on the window for a better sleep. But also because I get travel sickness and being able to see out the window for take-off and landing helps ease the symptoms.

window seat

That said, I know many people prefer an aisle, especially if they need plenty of legroom to stretch and like to have quick access to the toilets.

Meanwhile, seats over the wings offer the least turbulence out of all plane seats – a good choice if you plan to sleep the flight out.

2. Dress comfortably

Jeans are a no-no for long-haul flights. The same goes for tight clothes and synthetic materials.

Wear breathable, loose clothes and opt for layering if you tend to get cold during flights.

Don’t wear something made out of nylon or polyester – choose a soft fabric instead, like cotton.

3. Pack a travel pillow

Travelling without a travel pillow is nothing short of a nightmare – at least for me!

We all know plane seats aren’t comfortable, and a lot of airlines don’t offer decent pillows.

So if you want to catch any shut-eye during your flight, a travel pillow will support your neck and keep your head comfortable while you doze off.

I personally use this travel pillow.

4. Pack a high quality sleep mask

If you can’t sleep in a lit place, pack a high quality sleep mask in your handbag. It’ll block out the light and make it easier for you to sleep at any time of the day.

Sleep mask for long-haul flight

However, make sure to choose it wisely. It should feel soft against your eyes, and it shouldn’t be putting pressure on them.

I’d recommend a large silk sleep mask if possible.

5. Don’t forget your portable charger

Even if you’re going on a flight with a 100%-charged smartphone, there’s nothing to guarantee you won’t drain its battery – especially if you have nothing else to entertain yourself with.

Pack a portable charger, and make sure it’s fully charged before your flight.

6. Stay hydrated

The cabin air is so dry that my nostrils start complaining about two hours into any flight! You can combat this dryness by drinking plenty of water while you’re on the plane. 

Avoid caffeine or any beverage that may cause dehydration, and pack a refillable water bottle to have access to water throughout your flight.

Hydration on flight

Of course if you’re planning on drinking plenty of water during your flight, choose a seat with quick access to the toilets.

Pro tip: You can also add electrolytes into your water to increase the hydration effect.

7. Wear compression socks

If you’re prone to deep vein thrombosis, wear compression socks during your long-haul flight.

Even if you’re not at a high risk, I’d still recommend wearing them, as it can reduce any swelling in your feet and legs. 

The socks will improve circulation and keep your feet healthy. They’ll also prevent spider veins, varicose veins, and blood clots.

8. Sleep strategically

No one has time to deal with jet lag when you have a new country to explore! One tip I learnt from travelling a lot is to align my sleeping times with my destination’s time zone.

While on your flight, choose the correct time to sleep accordingly, and you’ll thank me for the easy transition. I’d actually recommend starting the transition a few days before you fly.

This will help you to arrive refreshed and ready to explore.

9. Pack healthy snacks

You know the deal with airlines’ food – it’s either a hit or miss, and more often than not, it’s a miss. 

Having healthy snacks on hand will keep you full without causing bloating or indigestion. For example, a trail mixture, a couple of protein bars, and maybe fruits that’ll survive the distance.

You can also pack healthy jerky, greek yoghurt parfait, or hemp seeds.

10. Don’t forget entertainment

Unless you have flying anxiety, the worst part of long-haul flights is boredom. It can get tedious up there with nothing to entertain you – more so if you don’t have someone to talk to. 

Here’s what I do to keep boredom out of the door: I pack magazines, download a couple of movies, and sometimes load a couple of episodes from my favourite TV show.

Plane Interior

If you love reading, you can pack a thrilling book to keep you entertained.

Don’t forget noise-cancelling headphones – they’re a lifesaver if there are any crying babies, loud chatterboxes or snorers around you! 

11. Pack a tiny pharmacy

I’m an overpacker, so feel free to skip this part if you don’t have enough room for it. However, I think having a few essentials on hand can make a huge difference in long-haul flights. 

Pack some vitamins and supplements – if you take something to help you sleep, don’t forget to take it.

On top of that, I’d pack a moisturiser and lip balm to keep the cabin’s dry air at bay. Of course, a toothbrush is a must, and if your eyes tend to get dry, don’t forget to pack eye drops.

12. Practise meditation and breathing exercises

If you suffer from flight anxiety, try practising a couple of breathing exercises before getting on that plane.

Some breathing techniques will keep you calm and relaxed, even when you’re stressed due to turbulence.

You can also download apps with guided sessions to help you relieve stress.

Though long-haul flights aren’t exactly fun, they don’t have to be uncomfortable. If you pack the right things and make some solid choices, you’ll arrive at your destination feeling refreshed and ready to enjoy your trip.

Do you have any tips for long-haul flights? Drop them in the comments below!


Jessie Moore
Jessie Moore

Jessie is a luxury travel expert with years of experience travelling the world to find the best destinations, hotels and adventures.

Find me on: Web | Instagram


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